Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

silly little guy he/it

My languages in order of proficiency: German French English Chinese. The reason I read so much in English is only because most pirated epubs are in English. I have no consistent grading system, the stars are based on vibes, don't read into it. I am not a critic; my "reviews" simply document what it was like for me to read the book in question.

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Andrea Long Chu: Females (Paperback, 2019, Verso) 4 stars

Short little personal essay

4 stars

I started this book expecting a "serious" work of feminist theory. At some point I realized I had started on the wrong footing, so I reread it as a personal essay. That works way better. The book kiiinda presents itself as laying out a theory of gender (in short, the theory that everyone is female), but it doesn't really commit to that and the theory doesn't really work if you take it seriously - which I don't think the author wants us to. The book is actually an autobiographical reflection on the author's transition, told through her personal relation to Valerie Solanas' (tiny) body of work. I enjoyed it a lot!

Marylène Patou-Mathis: Weibliche Unsichtbarkeit (Hardcover, German language, 2021, Hanser Verlag) 3 stars

Wie Frauen die Geschichte prägten – und warum wir nichts davon wissen. Ein feministischer Blick …

Fascinating topic; weirdly structured and bloated book.

3 stars

This book is about female erasure in prehistory research, a very interesting topic. The author is a researcher in prehistory with a focus on women, so this is her wheelhouse. The part of the book that is actually about that I found very interesting and informative. However, that's only 80 pages out of 200! Allow me to explain. The book is in four parts. Part I is a short chapter on media depictions of prehistoric women and the question of primitive violence. Although these two topics are interesting, it's not clear what connects them. At this point the book already seems weirdly structured.

Part II is a long history of misogynistic sexism through the ages. This is just gender studies 101 with no connection to prehistory at all. It feels like the author is trying to up her page count by repeating a point that a hundred feminist books have …

David Priestland: The Red Flag : A History of Communism (2009) 5 stars

Bird's eye history of the 20th century

5 stars

Priestland is a great storyteller. I learned a lot from this book. It's a history of communist movements and communist rule, not a history of communist ideas as I originally expected. Since the scope of the book is extremely broad, some things are simplified, which is fine. The basic idea is that Marxism has three facets: Romantic, Radical, and Modernist (synthesized from Fourier, Babœuf and Saint Simon respectively) and the history of communism is depicted as a dance between these three. This model works very well I think.

Jordy Rosenberg: Confessions of the Fox (2018, One World) 4 stars

Set in the eighteenth century London underworld, this bawdy, genre-bending novel reimagines the life of …

Fun read

4 stars

Content warning Tone of the ending mentioned

started reading 妖怪客棧2: 龍女的假期 by 楊翠 (妖怪客棧, #2)

楊翠: 妖怪客棧2 (Paperback, Chinese language, 2019, 悅智文化) No rating

姑獲鳥剛剛平息紛爭,李知宵和妖怪客棧的房客們忙於幫忙重建羽佑鄉,同時還忙於新學期的課業。不知不覺,三年級第二學期就這樣結束了,迎來暑假的他準備和柳真真、沈碧波以及妖怪房客們策畫一次大聚會! 然而事與願違,有一個脾氣特別壞的大妖怪也迎來了假期,她非要住在妖怪客棧。這個妖怪竟然讓螭吻都害怕得瑟瑟發抖!如此人見人怕、妖見妖藏的妖怪到底是誰?李知宵生氣了,他要為自己討回一個無憂無慮的暑假……

Part 2 let's go!

楊翠: 妖怪客棧1 (Paperback, Chinese language, 2019, 悅智文化) 4 stars



Fun fantasy novel

4 stars

I read this novel mostly to improve my Chinese proficiency. It was great for this purpose. The target audience is tweens I think. Children aged about 9-13. So the language is simple, the narration has a good flow, it's all quite easy to follow. Occasionally I didn't understand a detail or two, but that's fine. The book (first of a series) is set in a harry potter-like setting where the normal, human world is secretly inhabited by supernatural creatures that also have their own spaces and realms. The supernatural elements are all borrowed from Chinese literary tradition, especially the Shan Hai Jing. The book really invites the Harry Potter comparison, the little boy protagonist's female friend even has Hermione's exact personality. I did wonder about one thing: the protagonist, Zhixiao, inherits the "monster inn" from his father who died, that's what sets the plot in motion. But there is no …

finished reading 妖怪客棧1: 姑獲鳥的紛爭 by 楊翠 (妖怪客棧, #1)

楊翠: 妖怪客棧1 (Paperback, Chinese language, 2019, 悅智文化) 4 stars



Finished just 2 days before the end of the reading challenge!

commented on 妖怪客棧1: 姑獲鳥的紛爭 by 楊翠 (妖怪客棧, #1)

楊翠: 妖怪客棧1 (Paperback, Chinese language, 2019, 悅智文化) 4 stars



This challenge is going well, I've been reading a chapter every day, today even two chapters! I enjoy the harry potter-esque setting and I feel like my reading comprehension is improving quite a lot.

Vladimir Ilich Lenin: Imperialism: The highest Stage of Capitalism 4 stars

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (Russian: Империализм как высшая стадия капитализма, romanized: Imperializm kak …


4 stars

I felt like a bad Leftist not knowing Lenin's imperialism theory. Now I can cross this off. Main points are: - capitalism is in its latest stage, characterized by monopolies and the dominance of finance capital - capital gets exported to colonized countries - the working class in the imperialist countries benefits from the exploitation of the colonized countries - Kautsky is wrong and we don't like him - monopoly capitalism intensifies the contradictions of capitalism - capitalism is decaying

I find it interesting that we've been supposedly living in "late stage capitalism" for over a century now. Maybe it's time to stop being this optimistic.

Slavoj Žižek: Lenin heute (Hardcover, German language, 2018, wbg) 3 stars

Im Spätwerk Lenins verdichten sich Dringlichkeit und revolutionäre Schlagkraft in besonderer Weise. Dennoch stehen meist …

Selected late works by Lenin with an introduction by Žižek

3 stars

The 100 page introduction by Žižek helps put the writings (letters, articles etc) from Lenin's last years into perspective. I gained an understanding of Lenin's national policies and how they differ from Stalinism. Both Žižek and Lenin are good writers (in very different ways, though they are both enjoyable for the energy in their prose). Now of course neither of these men share my anarchist sensibilities, so I found myself screaming internally at the displayed ideas about freedom, discipline and the need for strong leaders. Still, interesting read.

Michael Pröbsting: Der große Raub im Süden (Paperback, German language, 2014, Promedia Verlagsges. Mbh) 2 stars

Dry marxist economics

2 stars

Pretty dry! Lots of tables and diagrams. The author aims to show exactly how and how much the countries of the global North exploit those of the global South. He works with lots of numbers and within a marxist-leninist framework. Almost everytime he cites any data, he immediately follows it up with reasons why that data cannot be trusted (usually because bourgeois economics failed to consider XY factor) and why the unknown numbers are probably a lot higher. Honestly, I can't tell how reliable that makes the book - I don't know enough about economics. I'm giving it 2 stars for the reading experience, because that wasn't especially fun. I'm still glad I read it - I brushed up on my Marxism a little, and got a few interesting insights. But I certainly won't pick it up again.

Tupoka Ogette: exit RACISM (German language, 2018, UNRAST Verlag) 4 stars

Obwohl Rassismus in allen Bereichen der deutschen Gesellschaft wirkt, ist es nicht leicht, über ihn …

Introduction to individual anti-racism

4 stars

A good little book to get white people started on anti-racism, and a good refresher for white people with prior knowledge. This book is written with a German audience in mind, which is important because many Germans like to pretend like racism is an American problem. The book invites the (presumed white) reader to introspect about their white fragility and other defense mechanisms that may arise during reading. It also points to the many situations where we enjoy white privilege without noticing. I found this very valuable. As far as knowledge goes, I didn't gain much from the book, because it stays on a very basic level; I already know the history of colonialism and what a microaggression is. What I did gain is the introspection mentioned above. Reading books like this regularly is valuable for any white person looking to develop an anti-racist attitude in everyday life. Now of …

Katharina Nocun, Pia Lamberty: True Facts (Hardcover, Deutsch language, 2021, Quadriga, Bastei Lübbe) 4 stars

Im Alltag passiert es erstaunlich oft, dass wir mit Verschwörungserzählungen konfrontiert werden. Ob mit einem …

How to deal with conspiracy theorists

4 stars

This book does what it sets out to do. It lays out the reasons why people latch onto conspiracy theories (there it stays at the individual, psychological level and doesn't get into a sociological or cultural explanation - which is fine here) and gives some pointers on how to deal with conspiracy theorists. Very helpful.