Paul B. Preciado: Un appartement sur Uranus (French language, 2019) 4 stars

Collection of articles by trans philosopher Paul B. Preciado

4 stars

This is a collection of articles that Paul B. Preciado wrote for a French newspaper over the course of several years in the 2010s. Some of the articles are reactions to specific news events, some are biographical, often in relation to his transition, some read more like political pamphlets. In all of them his extensive historical and philosophical knowledge shines through. The articles are plainly written for a bourgeois audience that isn't familiar with queer concepts, and sometimes it seems like the author is using community lingo for some sort of queer radical shock value. Often though, the articles are thought provoking, and especially for the biographical bits, deeply touching. Although the articles have strong standalone value, there is also a clear biographical thread throughout that makes reading the book cover to cover especially enjoyable.