Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 8 months ago

silly little guy he/it

My languages in order of proficiency: German French English Chinese. The reason I read so much in English is only because most pirated epubs are in English. I have no consistent grading system, the stars are based on vibes, don't read into it. I am not a critic; my "reviews" simply document what it was like for me to read the book in question.

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reviewed Affinität und informelle Organisation (Hourriya. Internationalistische anarchistische Pamphlets, #2)

Affinität und informelle Organisation (Paperback, German language, 2017, Hourriya) 3 stars

Partly interesting ideas, bad form

3 stars

A small collection of insurrectionalist texts. I found them interesting. One thing I find valuable about insurrectionalist theory is its radical critique of organization. I may not agree with the conclusion they arrive at, but the process of really questioning why we need organization, which aspects of organization are useful and which can be discarded, is valuable in my opinion. The texts are well selected I think. But the form is lacking. Either the translation is really bad, or the texts were badly written to begin with. It's more likely that the problem lies with the translation, since all three texts have this problem.

Alexander Neupert-Doppler: Utopie (Paperback, Schmetterling Verlag GmbH) 3 stars

Good historical overview

3 stars

History of the idea of utopia within (mostly German) leftist thought, from the early socialists to Habermas etc. The focus on German thinkers is justified because the book's target audience is the German Left. I would have liked more connection to political praxis. The intro and the outro reference praxis, but the rest of the book stays within the realm of theory. It's not super fun to read, but pretty good and educative.

reviewed Judentum by Dan Cohn-Sherbok (Religionen der Welt)

Dan Cohn-Sherbok: Judentum (Paperback, German language, 2001) 3 stars

Good primer on the history and practice of Judaism

3 stars

I read this little book hoping to patch up my general knowledge about Judaism, and I feel like my expectations have been met. The larger half of the book is a history of Judaism. It does its job quite well and is reasonably well written. The second, shorter half is concerned with religious practice, this part is a little less entertaining, a little more chaotic, it feels like the author was struggling deciding what to include and what to leave out. All in all this book met, but did not exceed, my expectations. Solid 3/5 stars. Also little sidenote: the author is weirdly concerned with demographics and birthrates. You'll find sentences like: "mixed marriages lead to a loss of thousands of Jews every year" like my guy that is some crazy phrasing. Anyway. I'd like to find a similar little book for the other world religions, especially Islam which I …

Feng Youlan: A Short History of Chinese Philosophy (1997) 4 stars


4 stars

It's not that short. There's some very early-20th-century theories: for example, one explains the differences between the Greek and Chinese philosophical traditions being the result of geographic and economic conditions (maritime merchants vs landbound farmers). When taken with a big grain of salt these sorts of theories are fun to read, I simply take them as storytelling and not as scientific. The book is geared towards an audience that knows the Western philosophers and is discovering the Chinese.

Jörg Bergstedt: Suizidalien (German language, 2015, Seitenhieb-Verlag) 2 stars

Pretty bad

2 stars

This is a story written by an anarchist, set in a near-ish future where assisted suicide is legal. The protagonist is spending her last few days alive in an enclosed facility where everyone gets to wait three days for the date of their assisted suicide. The facility is described as a utopian space where social relations are kind and free, with the protagonist wondering why society outside can't be the same way. Bergstedt obviously wrote this story for the purpose of describing his ideas about how society should and shouldn't be. It's a very 18th century kind of approach but ok, why not. The problem is that Bergstedt isn't Voltaire and his prose is pretty bad. His dialogues suck because he gives all his characters the same voice, they all talk the same. His worldbuilding is muddled: the world outside the suicide space serves as its negative counterpart because the …

Isabelle Robinet: Histoire du taoïsme des origines au XIVe siècle (French language, 1991, Editions du Cerf) 3 stars

Another history of Daoism

3 stars

Reading this right after the Kohn one, it's impossible not to compare. This one covers much of the same ground but in more detail, it is less didactic and more centered on texts. I enjoyed it well enough but did find some passages tedious. I think it is more interesting for people deeper in the material; less beginner friendly.

Umberto Eco: Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlußarbeit schreibt. Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (Paperback, German language, UTB Uni-Taschenbücher Verlag) 4 stars

Entertaining and instructive

4 stars

Fascinating seeing how the academic research and writing process worked before personal computers and the internet. Even if much of the more specific advice in this book is obsolete in the digital age, it is still worth knowing e.g. the logic behind a bibliographical entry (even if nowadays you'll get Zotero to generate it for you). The more general, broad advice on how to write, how to find a topic, what attitude to have towards your work and others' works that you cite, etc, is still applicable today. Eco uses tons of examples, real and fictional, that really help get an idea of what a dissertation in the humanities actually is. They help make the whole book tangible and entertaining. Good book all in all, would recommend to pretty much every humanities student.

Livia Kohn: Daoism and Chinese Culture (Paperback, University of Hawaii Press) 4 stars

Good introduction to religious Daoism

4 stars

I read this book as research for a class. It serves as a good thorough intro to the history and contents of Daoism viewed as a still-ongoing current of religious practice. The editing is pretty bad in this edition, there's a lot of typos. I didn't find that too distracting though.

Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer: Dialektik der Aufklärung (Paperback, German language, 1969, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH) 5 stars

Max Horkheimer und Theodor W. Adorno verfassten gemeinsam im US-amerikanischen Exil ihre Gedanken zur Dialektik …

Made its way into my head and lives there rent free and I can't get it to leave

5 stars

I am still re-reading it, obsessing over paragraphs, taking notes and drawing diagrams, etc. Haven't worked this closely with an entire book before. Told myself I would wait until I have gained "enough understanding" of the text before I write a review, but I realize now that's not a smart goal to set. So here's a few sentences. This is a very dense text. You can read it multiple times and unlock new layers of meaning each time. Sometimes a little Nebensatz will contain multitudes. There's little dialectical movements to be found all over and it's always fun to spot them. The prose is beautiful and precise. I can't explain my current obsession with this book (and with Teddie in general) but it is what it is.

reviewed Ideologie by Hans-Joachim Lieber (UTB für Wissenschaft)

Hans-Joachim Lieber: Ideologie (Paperback, German language, 1985, Schöningh) 4 stars

Es wird viel von Ideologie und ihrer Bedeutung für Gesellschaft und Politik gesprochen. Weder wissenschaftlich …

Academic work

4 stars

I didn't understand everything but I finished this book with a better understanding of the definitions of ideology, the history of the term and idea, and some specific things like the positivism dispute, than I had started it. So, full success. Will definitely revisit parts of it when needed, no need to ever re-read it back to back.

Wolfgang Martynkewicz: Das Café der trunkenen Philosophen (German language, 2022, Aufbau-Verlag) 4 stars

Good if you're interested in that generation of German philosophers

4 stars

Interesting read, prose ok. One extremely funny recurring theme is how no one likes Adorno and how he calls everyone a fascist. I especially like the chapter where the author compares the theory of antisemitism in Dialectic of Enlightenment with Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism, shows the similarities and where they diverge. Made me want to read both of these works.

I don't have a lot to say about this book? I had a good time and learned a lot. It's interesting how similar in concept and in title it is to the "Existentialist Café" that I read just a few months ago. In comparison, this one is less entertaining, a bit more serious, and way less opinionated (author invisible). I like them both.