Slavoj Žižek: Lenin heute (Hardcover, German language, 2018, wbg) 3 stars

Im Spätwerk Lenins verdichten sich Dringlichkeit und revolutionäre Schlagkraft in besonderer Weise. Dennoch stehen meist …

Selected late works by Lenin with an introduction by Žižek

3 stars

The 100 page introduction by Žižek helps put the writings (letters, articles etc) from Lenin's last years into perspective. I gained an understanding of Lenin's national policies and how they differ from Stalinism. Both Žižek and Lenin are good writers (in very different ways, though they are both enjoyable for the energy in their prose). Now of course neither of these men share my anarchist sensibilities, so I found myself screaming internally at the displayed ideas about freedom, discipline and the need for strong leaders. Still, interesting read.