Tupoka Ogette: exit RACISM (German language, 2018, UNRAST Verlag) 4 stars

Obwohl Rassismus in allen Bereichen der deutschen Gesellschaft wirkt, ist es nicht leicht, über ihn …

Introduction to individual anti-racism

4 stars

A good little book to get white people started on anti-racism, and a good refresher for white people with prior knowledge. This book is written with a German audience in mind, which is important because many Germans like to pretend like racism is an American problem. The book invites the (presumed white) reader to introspect about their white fragility and other defense mechanisms that may arise during reading. It also points to the many situations where we enjoy white privilege without noticing. I found this very valuable. As far as knowledge goes, I didn't gain much from the book, because it stays on a very basic level; I already know the history of colonialism and what a microaggression is. What I did gain is the introspection mentioned above. Reading books like this regularly is valuable for any white person looking to develop an anti-racist attitude in everyday life. Now of course, an anti-racist mentality and attitude is not enough - action on the political and societal level is necessary, which the book doesn't address. This is fine of course. Anti-racism needs to start somewhere.