Reviews and Comments
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natalinajune rated Design for Community: 3 stars
Design for Community by Derek M. Powazek
Communities are part of all successful web sites in one way or another. It looks at the different stages that …
natalinajune rated Cryptonomicon: 5 stars
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
E-book extras: "Stephensonia/Cryptonomica": ONE: "Cryptonomicon Cypher-FAQ" (Neal addresses "Frequently Anticipated Questions" and other fascinating facts); TWO: "Mother Earth Motherboard" (Neal's …
natalinajune rated CITIES IN FLIGHT VOL. 2 (Cities in Flight): 3 stars
CITIES IN FLIGHT VOL. 2 (Cities in Flight) by Blish
Originally published in four volumes nearlyfifty years ago, Cities in Flight brings together the famed "Okie novels" of science fiction …
natalinajune rated William Gibson's Neuromancer, Vol. 1: 4 stars
William Gibson's Neuromancer, Vol. 1 by Tom De Haven, Bruce Jensen (The Graphic novel ;)
natalinajune rated Good Omens: 4 stars
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
Armageddon only happens once, you know. They don't let you go around again until you get it right.
According to …
natalinajune rated American Gods: 4 stars
natalinajune rated Perdido Street Station: 4 stars
Perdido Street Station by China Miéville
In the squalid, gothic city of New Crobuzon, a mysterious half-human, half-bird stranger comes to Isaac, a gifted but eccentric …
natalinajune rated Schismatrix Plus: 5 stars
natalinajune rated Islands in the net: 3 stars
natalinajune rated Much Ado about English: 3 stars
natalinajune rated Accelerando: 4 stars
natalinajune rated Responsive web design: 3 stars
Responsive web design by Ethan Marcotte (A book apart -- no. 4)
From the publisher's [website][1]: "From mobile browsers to netbooks and tablets, users are visiting your sites from an increasing array …