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Marilyn Yalom: Birth Of The Chess Queen (Paperback, 2004, Pandora Pr) 2 stars

Everyone knows that the queen is the most dominant piece in chess, but few people …

Review of 'Birth Of The Chess Queen' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This book alternately irked and entertained me. There were interesting stories about the evolution of some regional "dialects" of the game, and I enjoyed the recounting of some folk lore in the game was a vehicle for romance and seduction.

The times in which the author droned on about role of the actual living, breathing queen, though, bored me almost to tears. In fact, it seems at times that there is more information about queens and powerful ladies in this book than there is about the game.

But then again, and I didn't know this before starting to read, but this is by the author of A History Of The Wife and A History Of The Breast, so a bit of feminism is to be expected after all.

Stanley Bing: Throwing the Elephant (Paperback, 2003, Collins) 1 star

What Would Machiavelli Do? and Throwing the Elephant. Fortune's Stanley Bing has written two very …

Review of 'Throwing the Elephant' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

10 year edit, 2017

Hey younger self! What'd this book do, insult your mother? Tone it down, man.

Original review, 2007

This book was rubbish and a waste of my time. The author was neither entertaining nor informative: he wrote nothing clever or insightful. I would recommend only to people I strongly dislike.

William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury (Everyman's Library Classics) (Hardcover, 1992, Everyman's Library) 3 stars

In many ways this was an experimental novel, using several differing narrative styles. Divided into …

Review of "The Sound and the Fury (Everyman's Library Classics)" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I try not to shy away from books because they're "hard," but I've tried to read this one about four different times, starting in high school, and have just been unable to both comprehend and enjoy.